I'm joining the masses of people out on the roads today to travel and see family for Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays. The sad news on the environment, my husband and I are taking separate vehicles because he's only staying a couple days while I stay longer. The good news on the environment is I'm picking up my cousins at the bus station in Vallejo. So, maybe that counter balances some of the gas consumption and the carbon foot-print. The other good news is I don't travel very much, so I've saved up my "travel" all year long!
We're having an organic turkey this year and lots of other food. Typically we spend the day(s) cooking in our sweats and jammies and drinking champagne ;)
My cousin, Jennie, is having her first baby and we're having a baby shower for her on Saturday with a pasta bar for food. That will be really fun, too.
For anyone who doesn't think that emails and phone calls for political action do not make a difference, think again. The Organic Consumer Association (OCA) puts out an e-newsletter contained with valuable information, and recently I read that P.E. Obama's team was considering former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack for position of USDA Secretary of Agriculture. The article went on to state "Vilsack has been an ardent supporter of Monsanto, genetically engineered crops, and corn and soy-based biofuels." I sent my opposition via an online petition and forwarded to several friends and family. News today says the OCA received 8,000 signatures urging Obama to take a strong stand in organic food and farming. As a result, Vilsack's nomination has been removed. There are numerous other people up for nomination, some good and some not, so the work isn't over. We must continue to support the better path of future food production and support organic. If you wish to read more on this from OCA, click here.
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I'll take 8 please
Ok....talk about being in the flow of the river of life.
Lately, I've been having some great and meaningful conversations with The Money Mentor, particularly around the concept of abundance and Law of Attraction. Instead of focusing on "the stuff I want, but can't have," turn the focus and shift it to "I could have it if I chose to." I've been implementing that in my daily life practice, and I've been "virtually" receiving and spending $1,000 compounded daily. I think I'm up to $8,000 to spend in my imagination today. Today I'm going to mentally purchase a solar system for my home because I choose to.
I just saw a commercial this morning about Sharp and solar panels. They've had solar panels for several years now and have implemented solar energy in various situations and places. So, I proceeded to their website: www.sharpusa.com and selected Solar on the side bar. Low and freakin' behold! Lol! I'm visualizing people across the nation and world buying them like air conditioners or flat screen tv's: affordable to most consumers. Brilliant! They have a great Cost/Savings Calculator on their site. I was exploring around and I have to check a few facts and figures, but it appears that even if I (forgive me Money Mentor) charge it (*cringe*), my payoff time would be a little over eight years! Now that's not bad. In fact, that's very do-able. Eight years will be here before we know it. Pretty soon, it will be several years from now, and I'll be saying..."if only I had..."
I'm visualizing solar panels in the back yard.I'm thinking of putting them on top of my tin roof area.

This seems to be the most logical place I can think of. I don't really have southern exposure that's not shaded by trees. I'll look into having a consultation soon. If I choose to have it, I can, by making it a priority and visualizing the "what" and the "how" will work itself out. Leap Frog! into the reality you want. Act as if. Write down your wishes and desires, find a picture and post it on the fridge....
like this one...(not my home)

Mostly, though, jump in the river of life and start allowing all the possibilities into your existence.
Lately, I've been having some great and meaningful conversations with The Money Mentor, particularly around the concept of abundance and Law of Attraction. Instead of focusing on "the stuff I want, but can't have," turn the focus and shift it to "I could have it if I chose to." I've been implementing that in my daily life practice, and I've been "virtually" receiving and spending $1,000 compounded daily. I think I'm up to $8,000 to spend in my imagination today. Today I'm going to mentally purchase a solar system for my home because I choose to.
I just saw a commercial this morning about Sharp and solar panels. They've had solar panels for several years now and have implemented solar energy in various situations and places. So, I proceeded to their website: www.sharpusa.com and selected Solar on the side bar. Low and freakin' behold! Lol! I'm visualizing people across the nation and world buying them like air conditioners or flat screen tv's: affordable to most consumers. Brilliant! They have a great Cost/Savings Calculator on their site. I was exploring around and I have to check a few facts and figures, but it appears that even if I (forgive me Money Mentor) charge it (*cringe*), my payoff time would be a little over eight years! Now that's not bad. In fact, that's very do-able. Eight years will be here before we know it. Pretty soon, it will be several years from now, and I'll be saying..."if only I had..."
I'm visualizing solar panels in the back yard.I'm thinking of putting them on top of my tin roof area.
This seems to be the most logical place I can think of. I don't really have southern exposure that's not shaded by trees. I'll look into having a consultation soon. If I choose to have it, I can, by making it a priority and visualizing the "what" and the "how" will work itself out. Leap Frog! into the reality you want. Act as if. Write down your wishes and desires, find a picture and post it on the fridge....
like this one...(not my home)

Mostly, though, jump in the river of life and start allowing all the possibilities into your existence.
Monday, November 24, 2008
New Logo
Oh my gosh....before I start here, I just looked out my window and the sunset is absolutely beautiful...very magenta with deep purplish gray.
Anyways, I created a new logo for Conscious Living Circle. I'd love to hear your feedback on it. I wanted to exemplify recycling, the planet, gardening, the sun, etc. I think I captured it pretty well. What do you think of the colors?

Thanks to all those who have signed up to be "followers." I just changed the settings so you can leave a comment without having to have an account, so please feel free to do so.
Thanksgiving is coming....I'm heading to my Aunt's house in Inverness as I do every year. I'm looking forward to drinking champagne and relaxing!
Anyways, I created a new logo for Conscious Living Circle. I'd love to hear your feedback on it. I wanted to exemplify recycling, the planet, gardening, the sun, etc. I think I captured it pretty well. What do you think of the colors?

Thanks to all those who have signed up to be "followers." I just changed the settings so you can leave a comment without having to have an account, so please feel free to do so.
Thanksgiving is coming....I'm heading to my Aunt's house in Inverness as I do every year. I'm looking forward to drinking champagne and relaxing!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Out in my yard today
- loving it!!! I took care of covering the plants so they won't freeze in the upcoming weeks. I also gathered seeds for next year, and even harvested some vegetables!! This is the longest growing season I've had that I can remember. Although, we have had some absolutely gorgeous weather lately. Who would be thinking tomatoes right before Thanksgiving? I also picked beautiful eggplant and a couple of lovely bell peppers.

Chickens and duck were out scratching around in the yard, eating my earthworms, but they were enjoying themselves so much. They cruise through the whole back yard and have their favorite spots, one being near the compost pile. It was just a lovely day.
It's so great! I have a bunch of Flat Leaf Parsley seeds for next year, and two different kinds of Echinacea, Coriander (cilantro), Basil, Artichoke (yes, artichoke seeds- they look like Safflower seeds), Sunflower, and Blue Morning Glories.

I'm going to attempt to extract some tomato seeds, cucumber, zucchini, crook neck, and eggplant. I've never done tomatoes before. I understand you have to put a mashed tomato in a bucket of water and let it get a mucky film over the top. Eventually, the good seeds will fall to the bottom of the water. Then, you dry them out until planting time. I'll let you know how it goes. This is self-sustaining in the garden! It truly is a miracle that an entire huge plant, bountiful with food can grow from such tiny seeds.
It doesn't take much to start growing your own food. One can start with some fresh herbs in a sunny window, like Basil or Parsley, and grow from there. Container gardening works really well for those with limited yard space. If you have plenty of garden space, it's time to plant Spring bulbs: daffodils, narcissus, iris, tulips, hyacinths, etc. If you have iris, now is the time to divide them and give them breathing space. It's always nice to give bulbs as gifts, too. I won some iris bulbs and have no idea what color or type they are, but it will be a surprise. It's also time to plant your cover crop if you haven't already, it's not too late. I'm going to plant fava beans. Cover crops protect your soil throughout the winter, and legumes such as favas provide nitrogen into the soil The trick is to whack them down and till them in right when they begin to flower. That's when they have little pink nodules on their roots which contain NITROGEN.

Beautiful Pumpkins! Yes, I'll save some of the seeds if I can keep from eating them all.
Chickens and duck were out scratching around in the yard, eating my earthworms, but they were enjoying themselves so much. They cruise through the whole back yard and have their favorite spots, one being near the compost pile. It was just a lovely day.
It's so great! I have a bunch of Flat Leaf Parsley seeds for next year, and two different kinds of Echinacea, Coriander (cilantro), Basil, Artichoke (yes, artichoke seeds- they look like Safflower seeds), Sunflower, and Blue Morning Glories.
I'm going to attempt to extract some tomato seeds, cucumber, zucchini, crook neck, and eggplant. I've never done tomatoes before. I understand you have to put a mashed tomato in a bucket of water and let it get a mucky film over the top. Eventually, the good seeds will fall to the bottom of the water. Then, you dry them out until planting time. I'll let you know how it goes. This is self-sustaining in the garden! It truly is a miracle that an entire huge plant, bountiful with food can grow from such tiny seeds.
It doesn't take much to start growing your own food. One can start with some fresh herbs in a sunny window, like Basil or Parsley, and grow from there. Container gardening works really well for those with limited yard space. If you have plenty of garden space, it's time to plant Spring bulbs: daffodils, narcissus, iris, tulips, hyacinths, etc. If you have iris, now is the time to divide them and give them breathing space. It's always nice to give bulbs as gifts, too. I won some iris bulbs and have no idea what color or type they are, but it will be a surprise. It's also time to plant your cover crop if you haven't already, it's not too late. I'm going to plant fava beans. Cover crops protect your soil throughout the winter, and legumes such as favas provide nitrogen into the soil The trick is to whack them down and till them in right when they begin to flower. That's when they have little pink nodules on their roots which contain NITROGEN.
Beautiful Pumpkins! Yes, I'll save some of the seeds if I can keep from eating them all.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Great Friday!
Today is a beautiful day and I feel like life is really flowing for me. I know that sounds cliche, but you probably recognize when you've had times in life that really clicked, everything just starts falling into place. We become aware of it, and it happens more. Then, somehow we get distracted and stop being aware of it, and it doesn't click again. I've been listening to Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction, the one for money!, and I feel like I've fully stepped into the "river of life". (What's the concensus? quotation before the period or after?) Abraham-Hicks presents a story about river rafting, correlating it to how we live our lives. They claim that it's not about the attainment or acquisition of the things we want, it's about enjoying tapping into life and feeling the flow of energy move through us and our lives, and yes, we deserve to have all the abundance awaiting us. The story, in it's summary, is about river rafting and that we don't take our raft out and say let's just get to the bottom of the river so we can "get there." It's about the enjoyment of going down the river, in the flow, not fighting it. One doesn't typically raft upstream, either. Go with the flow...enjoy the ride. Where are you in relationship to "the river?"
Today I found out the grant I was working so hard on in October for the Agency I work for has been funded! It was highly competitive and it will be highly beneficial. Mother Lode Consortium was awarded $485,730 to serve Veterans over the next few years, helping them with job training, licensing and certificates, and ultimately sustainability through valuable and meaningful work. I'm so thrilled.
Also, tonight is my first night of gathering of close friends to start the go-green group. What it will evolve into has yet to be determined. I just knew I had to be a leader in this area of going green, sustainability, etc. I've been intending this for a couple of years now: it's time for action!
Have a beautiful day ;)
Today I found out the grant I was working so hard on in October for the Agency I work for has been funded! It was highly competitive and it will be highly beneficial. Mother Lode Consortium was awarded $485,730 to serve Veterans over the next few years, helping them with job training, licensing and certificates, and ultimately sustainability through valuable and meaningful work. I'm so thrilled.
Also, tonight is my first night of gathering of close friends to start the go-green group. What it will evolve into has yet to be determined. I just knew I had to be a leader in this area of going green, sustainability, etc. I've been intending this for a couple of years now: it's time for action!
Have a beautiful day ;)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Freezing Temperatures Are Coming
I was just reading an article today which highlighted protecting our plants and vegetables as best we can from freezing temperatures. It's been beautiful weather lately, but I know the cold is coming. I don't want to get caught in the cold- Lol!
With busy holiday times coming up, it's best to be proactive about these things. I previously purchased a product called Reemay or Row Cover. It's a spun polyester-type fabric which allows the light and water in, but keeps the freezing cold out, to a certain degree.

I put it over some select plants last year, like my lemon tree, Gardenia, and some potted plants which are stored outside. This year, however, I have a fall vegetable garden planted. Most of the plants can withstold some degree of cold, or even freezing temperatures. But, let's face it, not too many plants prefer that kind of treatment. Particularly, the lettuces, and the mustard greens need to be covered. They are in raised beds, so I'd like to come up with some kind of elevated supports for the row cover, even though it's light enough to float right on top. I just know that we get terrential downpours and it could easily mush the row cover ontop of the plants which are still pretty young. I'm pondering some way to get something like plastic tubing and arch it over the beds, creating one long archway to lay the row cover on top. I may have to look at the hardware store for some lightweight pvc pipe or something and then maybe something like rebar to insert the tubing over? I'll keep you posted.

Just a reminder for those that have plants outdoors which are tender to frost, please don't procrastinate. Get them covered. Note: plastic can sometimes "bake" plants on warm sunny days - not advised if you're not being mindful.
With busy holiday times coming up, it's best to be proactive about these things. I previously purchased a product called Reemay or Row Cover. It's a spun polyester-type fabric which allows the light and water in, but keeps the freezing cold out, to a certain degree.
I put it over some select plants last year, like my lemon tree, Gardenia, and some potted plants which are stored outside. This year, however, I have a fall vegetable garden planted. Most of the plants can withstold some degree of cold, or even freezing temperatures. But, let's face it, not too many plants prefer that kind of treatment. Particularly, the lettuces, and the mustard greens need to be covered. They are in raised beds, so I'd like to come up with some kind of elevated supports for the row cover, even though it's light enough to float right on top. I just know that we get terrential downpours and it could easily mush the row cover ontop of the plants which are still pretty young. I'm pondering some way to get something like plastic tubing and arch it over the beds, creating one long archway to lay the row cover on top. I may have to look at the hardware store for some lightweight pvc pipe or something and then maybe something like rebar to insert the tubing over? I'll keep you posted.
Just a reminder for those that have plants outdoors which are tender to frost, please don't procrastinate. Get them covered. Note: plastic can sometimes "bake" plants on warm sunny days - not advised if you're not being mindful.
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