I've figured out a way to save on electricity during the holidays: don't put up your lights until late! It's nearly Christmas and I just put my tree up yesterday: no outside lights and no decorations yet. I've just been too busy! I haven't made it a high priority. Although, my electric bill should be much lower than in years' past.
I was thinking of other ways to save on energy consumption this holiday season. Here are some ideas I thought of:
1) Get timers for all your holiday lights and set them for half the time you would usually have them lit! Please do not leave your holiday lights on until morning - such a waste!
2) Buy LED Christmas lights to replace strands as you need them. I think it would be just fine NOT to consume more if you don't need them. We just consume way too much in our society. So, unless you have someone who desperately needs lights, or you want to donate your lights to someone in need, please don't buy just for the sake of buying.
3) Burn environmentally friendly candles, but make sure they don't catch anything on fire. Candles make such a nice ambiance in the cold winter.
4) If you have a woodstove, try cooking your slow-cooking recipes on it, rather than using your stove-top.
5) Turn off other lights and appliances so you can counter-balance your holiday lights being on.
If you have any other suggestions, please feel free to write them in to me.
Make sure your water heater has an insulating blanket and that the pipes connected to it are also insulated. Also consider installing "hot water on demand" which does not use energy keeping a large tank of water hot all day.